Lingua FonicaLingua Fonica logo

Learn a language anywhere & anytime

Begin your language learning journey with our custom learning focused language learning platform and professional tutors.

The ultimate platform

Lingua Fonica provides the most premium online learning service there is available. Our custom platform is geared towards being the best experience for our users and we continually improve based on feedback from our students and tutors. You can help us shape your learning platform and experience to meet not only your needs, but your desires! We strive to make our platform a safe place for language learners. All Lingua Fonica tutors are verified either by us directly or by our partner company Conversation Piece, who have been vetting tutors and providing lessons since the 1990’s.

“My Spanish speaking skills have greatly increased thanks to my tutor, I am happy that I gave Lingua Fonica a try.”

Liam O’Hanlon
Inbox user interface

We care, we really do…

Lingua Fonica is dedicated to providing the best for our learners. We make sure that all tutors on our site are passionate about teaching, language, and culture. We want every learner to reach their language learning goals…and enjoy doing it! We want you to become just as passionate and enthusiastic about language and culture as we are. So, let Lingua Fonica become a part of your goals!

Customer profile user interface
Rainbow painted on floor with "do infinite good" written underneath.

Five Swahili Sayings You Should Listen to!

White wall with red text stating "think positive".

10 Swahili quotes about life that will inspire you!

A jeep drives towards sunset on the African savannah.

Swahili animal names you should know for a Safari!